

摘要: 你听说过一个来自中国的电信业巨头,正在试图转变成一个时髦的钟表匠吗?  这是来自今年世界移动通信大会上令人震惊故事中的一个。华为,一个在网络设备和基础设施上赚取了大量现金的庞大公司,如今推出了旗下明显 ...


这是来自今年世界移动通信大会上令人震惊故事中的一个。华为,一个在网络设备和基础设施上赚取了大量现金的庞大公司,如今推出了旗下明显为普通消费者打造的首款智能手表。该款手表是一款圆形设备,看上去它比Moto 360、LG G Watch R以及其它任何一款已经上市的安卓可穿戴产品更接近传统手表。在苹果公司最终发布 Watch所有细节的前一周,华为依据经典的手表设计原则,呈现出一个完全不同的视觉体验。


“我们正在努力让华为成为更时尚的品牌,”余承东—华为消费者BG CEO如是说,“并尝试改变我们的形象。”他称,华为的声望已经远远超过国内诸如小米这样的竞争对手,一家被其描述成为“低收入人群”设计的“超低端”品牌。余承东说的有些夸张,华为堆积的问题还非常多,尤其是在美国市场。但是华为非常重视这场斗争。(文章翻译自国外媒体THE VERGE)


Did you hear the one about the Chinese telecom giant that tried to turn into a hip watchmaker?

That"s been one of the more surprising stories to come out of this year"s Mobile World Congress. Huawei, a colossal company that makes most of its money on networking equipment and infrastructure, has launched its most overt play for consumers yet by unveiling its first smartwatch. The Huawei Watch is a circular device that looks closer to a traditional watch than the Moto 360, LG G Watch R, or any other Android Wear product to date. One week before

is set to reveal the final details of its own watch, Huawei has presented a very different vision informed by the principles of classical watch design.

The shift is notable for an enterprise-focused company with a name that most Westerners can barely pronounce. Although Huawei has spent the past few years attempting to build up its consumer presence, it hasn"t succeeded in penetrating key markets like the US. But that could change later this year, and the watch should play a key role in terms of getting people to take notice of the company.

“We"re trying to make Huawei a more fashionable brand,” says Richard Yu (pictured), CEO of Huawei"s consumer division. “We"re trying to change our image.” Yu says Huawei"s cachet is already ahead of Chinese competitors like Xiaomi, which he describes as an “ultra low-end” brand “for low-end people.” Despite Yu"s bluster, the odds are still stacked against Huawei, especially in the US. But the company is serious about this struggle.


